Micro-Entity Accounts vs Abridged Accounts

Micro Entity vs Abridged Accounts

Small companies and micro-entities do not need to submit full company year-end accounts to Companies House. Under government rules, small companies can file abridged accounts. These are less detailed than full accounts. However, micro-entities can take things a step further, filing micro-entity accounts that are lighter again in terms of detail. What are Abridged Accounts? […]

Does Xero Produce Statutory Accounts?

Xero Statutory Accounts

Xero is an online accounting platform that supports small businesses. It is entirely cloud-based and performs fundamental accounting functions. This software as a service (SaaS) accounting solution will help you prepare and file statutory accounts for your company’s year-end. It performs this function with its Xero Tax software. How Does Xero Tax Work? Xero Tax […]

How to Calculate Annual Turnover

Calculating annual turnover

Your annual turnover calculation is an essential part of your statutory accounts because it tells you what your total sales have been over the past 12 months. The annual turnover of your company is an important measurement of its performance.   What Does Annual Turnover Mean? Annual turnover is the total value of everything you […]

Are company share schemes worth it?

Company share schemes

Company share schemes allow businesses to reward and incentivise their employees. They help companies attract and retain top talent in competiive marketplaces. While for employees, they offer the potneial of reaping the rewards of future business growth.

Tax-advantaged employee share schemes

Tax advantaged employee share schemes

Companies use tax-advantaged employee share schemes to reward and incentivise workforces. For less well-established enterprises, they are an effective tool in rewarding talent, especially in circumstances where the money isn’t readily available for large salaries.

EIS and SEIS relief for investors

EIS and SEIS relief for investors

EIS and SEIS schemes are designed to help SMEs and startups attract private investment. They do this by offering various forms of tax relief to investors.

